
God Our Shepherd

Isaiah explained that we are all like sheep (Isa53:6). We tend to go our own way, yet we desperately need the sure direction of a shepherd. Psalms 23 describes the trustworthiness of our Good Shepherd. He cares for us (v.1); He provides for our physical needs (v.2); He shows us how to live holy lives (v.3); He restores us, comforts us, heals us and bountifully blesses us (v.3-5); and He will not abandon us (v.6).
What a comfort to know that God gently but firmly leads us! He does so through the urging of the Holy Spirit, the reading of His Word and through prayer. God is the reliable leader we need.
The Lamb who died to save us, is the Shepherd who lives to guide us.

Draw In Close

“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me” — John 10:14
We should always come to God just as we are, giving our desperate, unworthy, yet wholly loved selves to our all-powerful, all-sustaining glorious, yet fully compassionate Father. And when we do, we find the overflowing cup of His strength, restoration, wisdom, peace, righteousness, and joy. In His presence is the abundant life. He is the Living Water and the Bread of Life.
When we pray, we should not only talk but also listen. Seek to hear and follow His good paths. Come rejoicing, come playful, come weary, come doubting or afraid. Come to Him in the midst of the valley of the shadow of death. Draw in close and listen to His comforting words of life and hope.