Brought Near by the Blood

But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ. – Ephesians 2:13
Paul opens up chapter 2 by showing the Christians in Ephesus their former condition without Christ, and then in vs. 11 appeals to them to remember their alienation from the promises of God. But he then tells them that they who were estranged have now been brought near through the blood…
One of the great truths of scripture that ought to propel a heart into eternity is what Christ has done for us; let’s not take the latter part of vs. 12 lightly… “We were without hope and without God in the world,” it kind of puts into perspective our loved ones and those around us who don’t know Christ as Lord, but more specifically, it leaves us totally in awe of the grace of God. May this truth sink deep within our hearts today as we consider the greatness of our God.